nanoBT partners - geographical distribution

The nanoBT consortium consists of 3 partners from 3 countries (Greece, Canada, South Africa) in three continents!  


Partner Institutions

The partners together with the members of the Advisory Board bring talents, resources and capacities essential to reach the project’s objectives and the expected impacts of the call 2019 ERA-MIN 2 topic#1.


School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Chania, Crete, Greece

Contact: Prof. Nicolas Kalogerakis & Prof. Kostas Komnitsas


Département de Génie des Mines, de la Métallurgie et des Matériaux, Quebec, QC, Canada

Contact: Prof. Georgios Kolliopoulos


Fine Bubble Technologies (Pty) Ltd., Bergrus Industrial Park, Porterville, South Africa

Contact: Paul Botha, CEO